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Innova 5210: Price & Feature Overview

By Joseph Kim
Updated on January 18th, 2024

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The Innova 5210 is Innova’s most popular entry-level OBD2 scanner among our handheld tools. Priced at $99.99, it's a more accessible option in terms of cost while offering specific functionalities tailored for essential diagnostics. Here, we'll delve into why this tool is priced at this range and whether it suits your needs.

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How Much Is The Innova 5210?

As previously stated, the retail price for the Innova 5210 is $99.99. It's important to note that this price can differ on various platforms.

For example, on our official website, the tool is listed at $117.64. The reason for this is to incentivize sales through channels other than

Innova holds a significant position as an automotive supplier for aftermarket diagnostic scanners, as evidenced by our presence in major automotive retailers such as Autozone, O’Reilly Auto Parts, Advance Auto Parts, and Amazon.

To avoid sales cannibalization and to encourage customers to shop at our authorized retailers, we raised our website price.

What The Innova 5210 Is Capable Of

OBD Live Data

As a well loved entry-level OBD2 scanner, the Innova 5210 supports OBD live data. The following parameter IDs (PIDs) are available:

  • RPM
  • Short Term Fuel Trim
  • Long Term Fuel Trim
  • Mass Air Flow
  • Engine Coolant Temperature
  • Throttle Position
  • Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure

The Innova 5210 offers two ways to view live data: as a table or as a graph.

Additionally, you have the flexibility to customize the parameters you want to monitor. This feature proves useful if, for instance, you prefer to focus solely on mass air flow and engine coolant temperature on a side-by-side basis.

Lastly, you have the capability to record and playback live data, providing a convenient option for future reference.

Check Engine & ABS Diagnosis

With the Innova 5210, you’ll be able to diagnose most check engine and ABS (brakes) related issues. It’s super easy to retrieve the trouble codes and erase them.

But that’s not all. What separates the Innova 5210 from other similar scanners is its Code Priority and Code Severity Alert features.

Code Priority: Reveals the main DTC responsible for triggering your check engine light. This aids in prioritizing necessary fixes rather than addressing every retrieved DTC.

Code Severity Alert: Indicates the severity of the retrieved DTC and advises on whether it's safe to continue driving.

Service Resets

With this scanner, you’ll be able to perform the oil maintenance light reset.

Service Tests

With this scanner, you’ll be able to perform a battery/charging system test.

SMOG / Drive Cycles

The following vehicle systems can be checked:

  • MIS: Misfire Monitor
  • FUE: Fuel System Monitor
  • CCM: Comprehensive Component Monitor
  • EVA: EVAP System Monitor
  • 02S: Oxygen Sensor Monitor
  • HTR: Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor
  • EGR: EGR System Monitor
  • CAT: Catalyst Monitor

Our tools inform you about your vehicle's ability to complete a drive cycle. If further testing is needed, the monitors will start blinking. Pending codes trigger a yellow LED light, while a green LED light indicates no issues.

Moreover, our tools feature Auto Re-Link, automatically refreshing your vehicle's monitors every 30 seconds. This allows you to conduct drive cycle procedures and observe real-time results, eliminating aimless driving. We provide details on whether your monitor successfully completed a drive cycle procedure.

For additional information on drive cycle procedures, refer to this link.

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Brand-Specific Benefits of the Innova 5210

Purchasing the Innova 5210 comes with its own set of benefits, including:

US-Based Customer Support

We offer fast customer support via phone, email, or live chat from Monday ~ Friday 6AM - 6PM PST. Have a question about our products? Ring us up! We are based in Irvine, California. American born and raised.

Free Software Updates

We do not charge any firmware or software update fees. Enjoy unlimited scans with nothing tying you down financially. We do our best to provide annual updates to provide the latest coverage.

Coverage Checker

Know what features you’re buying before any purchase. We tell you the exact features that’ll work on your vehicle by tool.

30+ Years Of Data

Enjoy access to millions of vehicle diagnostic fix data that is unique to Innova alone. We are proud to be one of the nation’s leading sources of vehicle fix databases.

Comes With Optional Repair App

With the purchase of any Innova tool comes a free repair app - RepairSolutions2. It is currently the highest-rated repair app in the United States. You can save unlimited vehicle scans directly to your phone, as well as send scan reports to emails.

Quality Products

We stand behind our products with pride! With millions of scanners sold nationwide at over 30,000 store outlets, we are considered North America’s no.1 diagnostic tool company. All products come with a 1-year warranty.

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What The Innova 5210 Is NOT Capable Of

While the Innova 5210 is a handy entry-level scan tool, it cannot perform advanced features. Because it is priced at $99.99, its feature sets are limited to a select few.

All System Scan

If you’re looking for a scanner that can read/erase SRS or any other OEM module, the Innova 5410 or Innova 5610 is a better choice.

The Innova 5210 is limited to engine & brake (ABS) diagnosis.

OEM Live Data

If you’re looking beyond OBD live data and want OEM-specific live data such as ABS live data, the Innova 5210 will not be able to fulfill your needs.

The Innova 5610, on the other hand, does support this feature.

Bi-Directional Controls & Special Functions

If you intend to activate vehicle components or execute specific functions such as DPF reset/regen, you'll need to seek a scanner from a higher-tier category.

The Innova 5610 currently provides support for bi-directional controls and special functions.

Is The Innova 5210 Worth It?

For the average DIYer, most people seem to say it’s worth the price. Check out our reviews on Amazon. As of January 2024, it is currently rated 4.5/5.0 stars.

Our recommendation is to first find out whether the tool can do what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for a scan tool that supports OBD live data, chances are this tool will satisfy your needs. Of course, make sure to check our Coverage Checker to confirm vehicle compatibility.

But if the feature set of the Innova 5210 isn’t what you’re looking for, that’s a good indication that a more comprehensive tool may better fit your needs.

If you don’t care about the brand benefits and are looking for a cheap scan tool that supports OBD2 live data, there are plenty of great options online.

At the end of the day, everyone has differing needs and wants. And we respect that.

It’s Question Time!

Ending the article here may leave a few readers hanging with questions, which is why I compiled a few of our most popular FAQs for the Innova 5210:

Q: Will the device work on my vehicle?
A: As long as your vehicle was manufactured after 1996 and is OBDII compliant (non-modded), yes it’ll work. To be 100% sure, please use our Coverage Checker.

Q: Does it require internet connection?
A: No. You can use the Innova 5210 without internet access. All diagnostic data has been built-in to the device.

Q: Is the product easy to use?
A: That depends on the person. But based on customer feedback, the general consensus seems to agree that it’s simple to use.

Q: Can I use the RepairSolutions2 app with this scan tool?
A: Absolutely. Simply search “RepairSolutions2” in the app store or google play store. Once downloaded, the app will give you the option to connect it to the Innova 5210. Please note that the device has to be plugged into your vehicle’s DLC port first.

Q: Can I use it outside of the USA?
A: The tool will only work in the United States and Canada. It will not work outside of those two countries.

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